Soulmapping took a break for a couple weeks for travel time, but now we're back with a new forecast. We are gradually inching up on spring. Carnivalle and Lent have come and gone and we are in the countdown to when we celebrate another year of rebirth. The buds of flowering trees and new green shoots of growth can be seen everywhere in temperate places, but in others there are still storms and snows to come. Wherever you are, you might be feeling the sap rising in your spirit and your body's longing for more light reaching a crescendo.

On the PHYSICAL LEVEL, expect some HEALING to take place. This would be an excellent time to initiate a cleansing program of light foods, fresh air and exercise, to take advantage of the healing energies that are adrift this week. Healing can occur on any level, so don't limit your sights on the body; you might experience emotional and mental changes as well. Consider letting go of old hurts and resentments, finding in your heart forgiveness for past grievances and trespasses, releasing old patterns of thinking or behavior, and outdated relationships that don't serve your new commitment to Self. Pre-spring tune-ups are guaranteed to free up your spirits to push you through the last of the winter doldrums.

On the EMOTIONAL LEVEL, a well-earned dose of WISDOM is available to you now. Past experiences, no matter how painful or awkward, bring their own rewards in time, so sit back with a cup of tea, relax, and review the last few months. Winter energies driven underground have been subtly working magic under the guise of storms, snow, rain, and cold. Beneath the freeze a new energy is stirring, born of past troubles and hard lessons. Knowledge gives way to understanding; acknowledgment of what underlies the lessons—the hard kernel of truth—offers the gold of Wisdom. Yes, lessons learned translate into wisdom; knowing your self, your limitations, your challenges, and your strengths. Understanding allows you to move forward in a positive way while Wisdom releases us from the wheel of karma. When we pay attention to the lessons and make whatever restitutions are due, we are free. Savor the gold; you have put in your time and the rewards are yours.

On the MENTAL LEVEL, the keynote is GLOBAL FAMILY. What does this word mean to you? Images of planet Earth from space cuddled in a bird's nest conjure thoughts of the Family of Man. "No man is an island," could never be more true than now. How do you contribute to the Global Family? Consider doing charitable works, recycle with a vengeance, ride a bike to work one day, or read a book about alternative fuel economies and talk about it with friends. Watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." Again. At the end of the movie, there are a number of suggestions to follow. Do one thing this week for the Global Family. If everyone did one thing a week, or a day, what a difference that would make!

On a SPIRITUAL LEVEL, you might have to come up with some COURAGE this week. Bravery isn't something we are or aren't born with. Courage is the reward for acting in spite of fear. Is there someone you've been afraid to stand up to? Perhaps some words need saying? Some action you've been too afraid to take? This week, make a concerted effort to stand tall and speak and act on your truth. Ask for support from friends, family, and guardian angels. Be ready to accept en"courage"ment from unexpected places—a song on the radio, bits of overheard conversations, a snippet from a book that has special meaning for you. The universe supports those who support themselves; so if you take a Warrior's stance this week, you will not be alone. Keep your fears close and talk to them as you would a small frightened child. After all, they are just a frightened part of yourself, hoping for an adult voice to soothe and comfort them. Once this is done, your fears will not be as loud or prevalent, and heroic action will be so much easier.
Be well, fellow travelers, and enjoy your journey this week.
I will be mulling over this while I go clean up the house a little. I like the healing bits the best as my hip has been hurting for almost a week now. But all of this seems quite poignant to me in my life right now.
I'm having trouble forgiving myself for my own actions from last week that hurt other people. It's easier for me to forgive others. I expected mroe from myself and letting myself down is extremely uncomfortable.
So I'll work harder to let it go.
I too am working on letting go. In my case, of people I've been resentful toward. I'm noticing that even if I don't FEEL like it, I say the words anyway, and then I do feel much less attached to them and their actions. I've been holding anger too about situations beyond my control, and that is softening also by me giving thanks ahead for things that will get better, even though they haven't yet. Somehow, that seems to feel good too, and releases me from the anger's stronghold. So when you are getting down on yourself,try this...give thanks for all that you DO do, all your successes and good actions. Remember, to err is human, to forgive in divine. Letting go may not be forgiveness, but it's the next best thing. The past is dead, and today you have another change at redemption. Be good to yourself today!
You are so right. I am letting go little by little. It does feel good.
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