What does this mean? By "gestalt" I'm describing a landscape of energies interacting synergistically on many many levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, local, global, and personal. The ways in which these energies affect your week will depend largely on who you are, what forces are already at play in your life, and how you choose to focus.
What will be important to you this week? You can decide how these energies will work for you. In the midst of kajillion possibilities at work, YOU are the field in which they collide and work. YOU are unique in your talents, abilities, life circumstances and all that jazz, so how you focus on these psychic impulses will largely determine the outcome. What would YOU like to see happen? I like to emphasize this because "divination" in any form can be a useful tool when you realize that the universe plays through each of us a very individual song, and we are cowriters of the song. The "notes" of the song may be given to us in any particular moment, but how we arrange and rearrange the notes is up to us.

First, we are given FREEDOM. Freedom FROM what? Freedom to DO what? These are two very different "freedoms." "Freedom from" implies a release, a letting go from a previous condition or situation; while "freedom to do" is a green light moving from this moment toward possibilities that only you can decide.
Look at the image of the card. There you are on top of the world, looking at it from a great height that seems impossible to scale. Yet, despite vertical walls and dizzying height, you have reached a pinnacle from which to raise your hands in exaltation. You have arrived! You are FREE! You inhale deeply; your lungs fill with oxygen and your body pulses with vitality and life. There are other mountains in the background, other pinnacles to climb nearby; but for now, relish and savor your victory. You made it, after a long and treacherous ascent.
Maybe this sounds too grandiose for the circumstances of your life. Perhaps you are unaware of such a dramatic shift in perspective; because no doubt about it—freedom FROM brings a new lease on life, a new viewpoint, a different vantage from which to see. Freedom TO DO is also exhilarating. The energies have opened where they were closed before. Some long anticipated goal, dream, or vision (another one of our cards this week) has been delayed or dismissed. But not now. Move forward with freshness. You have been freed from a previous encumbrance that no longer exists. What will YOU do with this freedom? Initiate something this week as you ride on the coat tails of FREEDOM.
My own Freedom train begins on thursday when I decamp from the house I own in Santa Rosa and drive up to McMinnville, Oregon to live temporarily with my daughter Angelina and her family. There I will await and recover from hip replacement surgery and then strike a course to Portland where I imagine myself enjoying an urban existance. I have been released from job and relationship commitments so nothing holds me back. The only concern I have is leaving a primary residence before my two years is up, making me subject to capital gains tax when I sell my California property. But I am going to trust the universe that all will work out in the end. Maybe I'll be making so much moola by then that the tax will be insignificant. Maybe I'll never sell it. So why worry? It's been my philosophy not to let money dictate important decisions in life. I believe in following the energy. And it is heading north.

Check out the dude in this card. He's bristling with muscle, not to mention the lightning bolts in his left hand. The left hand is the tool of the right-brain, center of feeling and creativity. He is sculpted with classic Grecian beauty and screams "strength." Ego strength is a sign of a healthy psyche. Unfortunately, life circumstances can play havoc with ego strength. From the time we are babies, our parents look into our eyes and coo, telling us how much we are loved and how beautiful we are. At least, that is how nature intended it to be. Unless, the parent's natural instincts have been corrupted or the child is damaged at birth. In that case, some of us have to fill in the "love" blanks in order to build our own ego strength.
Are you feeling good or bad about yourself? Is there some part of your self that you continually berate and diminish? Take a long look at your thoughts; your internal dialogue will tell you. How do you describe yourself to others? What picture of yourself do you see in your mind's eye? Be honest. Now, can you separate truth from judgment? Judgment puts a positive or negative spin on the truth. Can you see yourself withOUT judgment? Try it this week as you work on ego strength. If you have low self esteem, try this for 30 days: take time each day, preferably in the morning when you are fresh, and write a list of all the things you appreciate and love about yourself. That's it! Build your psychic muscles this way, and you just might notice a shift in your perception, and others might notice it also.
Another aspect of ego strength is standing up for ourselves, our beliefs, and what is true. This week, pay attention to opportunities for you to do just this. Is this difficult to do? Why? Are you not worth it? Old negative thinking habits can erode your positive sense of self.

What is the wounded child? First, we ALL have a part of our selves that is wounded. It is a basic, deep wounded that occurred in childhood, often in infancy. It is part of the human condition, and no one gets off without a little wounding. Second, some wounds are big, some small and the size of the wound is entirely subjective. Your wounded child may feel vulnerable, at risk, and insecure this week. Triggering events will be ideosyncratic: each person has their own particular triggers. Some major triggers are being tired, hungry, or stress. Make sure you get enough sleep, good healthy regular meals, and when you get angry, try deep breathing and meditating. Triggers make the event seem all the more stressful, and the little child inside takes everything personally.
The best cure for the wounded child is whatever you would do for your own children, if you have them. Kiss the owie, give yourself a hug (or better yet, get lots of hugs from friends), treat yourself to goodness, surround yourself with loving, supportive people. The wounded child can be triggered by good things too. Freedom may be frightening to a small child. Too much wide open space and unlimited possibilities might trigger withdrawal. Be gentle, but don't back away from the excitement that awaits you either. Reassure your wounded child that you will hold its hand every step of the way if necessary, but you ARE moving forward. I've had some frightening nightmares after I made the decision to move to an urban area. Boogey men lurked in underground parking structures, homeless zombies grabbing at me from dark alleys. My little girl was definitely freaking at the idea of a big city. I've been thinking a lot about her lately, and the ways I can make this a gentler experience.

What part of my move is in standstill? Only a year ago I completed a local move from one part of the city to another, but because of a foot injury, I stuffed junk into boxes for "later." Now, it's my hip causing problems. I have been at a standstill for 9 months, unable to work. My entire life has been standing still, but not decaying. Still, as I face another move, this time I am forcing myself to go through the old boxes and give away, pass along, and make decisions about what to bring to my new life. It goes against every bone in my body... they all want to stand still. But I am getting enough help so I can sit down a lot. My little wounded bird inside doesn't want to go anywhere, but by this thursday, the nest will be dismantled and I and all my stuff will be headed north, no longer standing still.

This week promises to be an excellent time to sharpen your eagle eyes to home in on your personal vision. This card may also be referring to seeing a truth about a person or situation that was previously clouded. Notice the huge strong wings this eagle has to carry him to wherever he sees juicy tidbits. Whatever your mind can conceive this week is possible to achieve if you trust in your abilities as a creative force in the universe. Do you have big dreams, or are you content to let life happen to you?
On a personal level, my dream level has been pretty low this year. But now, I'm entertaining ideas, big ones. Like, where do I want to live? What do I want the neighborhood to be like? What kind of job will be enjoyable and allow me to utilize my unique strengths and abilities? Do I want an apartment or a house? I'm picturing myself walking everywhere, to parks, shopping, museums, restaurants. I am visualizing my hips and legs getting healthy and strong, my body getting lean and flexible again. I can feel my lungs pumping new breath into old skin, seeing it become younger with vitality. I see the old fat accumulated from standing still melting away with each step into this new vision. This is a vision I can live with and make real in the months ahead.
As co-creators in the universe, I believe it is our job to do the dreaming and visualizing, and the universe's job to handle the "how to" part. If we are unwavering in vision, the universe creates with us by moving the energies around so our dreams can come true. So I'm not going to worry about how this all happens. The universe will be my guide and "show" me by synchronous brainstorms and events, leading me to the right people, places, and circumstances that will reveal what actions I should take next. This has worked in the past quite well. So, I'm brushing the dust off my fairy wand and getting ready . . . How about YOU?
Do you have a question about a person or situation in your life you'd like clarity about? Let the cards reveal your special landscape. While in transit, I may not be set up to present an energy forecast next week. More will be revealed, later. Have a great week and happy trails to you.
1 comment:
I really look forward to these readings. They always seem so appropriate for where I'm at right now.
This gives me a lot to think about.
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