Sunday, February 11, 2007

Energy Forecast: Week of February 11

Welcome to another week of soulmapping. I am curious if anyone is checking in to the blog, and if so, how do the forecasts work for you? Your comments are welcome. If interested, just click on "comment" at the end of this entry. On the next screen, you will see a comment box on the right. Type in your comment, then at the bottom, if you don't have a google account, click on "anonymous", and hopefully you will leave your name with your comment. Those with google accounts can type in the name of the account. I'm new to blogging and find blog world to be, well, a little bloggy (confusing).

On the PHYSICAL level, the card for WORLDLY DOMINION appears. It symbolizes the person who is on top of his/her game in the material world. This card might herald a weekly stint of ambitions, aspirations, and visions that finally blossom into physical reality. The result might appear a little like empire building or pioneering. You are a mover and shaker, initiating and doing. You possess the physical stamina and strength to achieve your goals and the leadership skills to pull them off. Watch out for ego storms and gales of competitiveness in your striving for riches, fame, or progress. You can make your mark on the world without mowing others down in the process.

On the MENTAL level, the card we have drawn is PRESERVATION. The queen symbolizes the law of preservation because it is the feminine principle in all people that watches over and protects the children, the land, and heritage. This week it is our responsibility to maintain and safe-guard the kernels of life that we have carefully been brooding in the nest. This is a mother-earth energy that has the ability to create, resurrect, and recreate life. Look around your life and see what needs mothering. This week your special powers as a nurturer, provider, and giver of life are called on. Your unconditional love, compassion, and healing strengths will champion an aspect of yourself, family, creative projects. Since this refers specifically to the mental level, especially pay attention to ideas and goals that might need an extra boost of Mom energy to get them to the next level of growth. But remember, be gentle with seedlings. Pulling on them to force premature growth will only uproot their delicate natures.

EMOTIONALLY, we can expect a BREAKTHROUGH. Well, I for one, look forward to this prospect. Maybe the breakthrough will happen physically, mentally, and spiritually as well. Whatever way it manifests, it will relieve the building pressure you've been feeling for some time. "Better out than in" I've been told, and there's wisdom in that saying. What does the image say to YOU? A volcano erupts with spewing hot lava; fire pushes through earth with incredible force, moving obstructions out of the way of its creative wake. Fire is creative and impulsive, while earth is stable, solid, unmoveable by itself. Some creative impetus is moving upward, has been for some time, but now it will unleash great power and strength so that what has been stalled before will now open up and move. The pressure is off, and the energy is released. You feel relief, and then an upsurge of new, creative energy moves within your psyche, filling you with inspiration, strength, and motivation to get things done. Enjoy!

SPIRITUALLY, the forecast calls for increased CLARITY. Like a diamond, your mind twinkles with many facets. You see into situations and people with unprecedented focus; you see what you haven't been able to see before. A situation or person who might have been annoying before, now you find at least tolerable. Your previous negative judgments are put in abeyance as you realize there is more than had met the eye before. You see more deeply, more clearly, and are amazed and dazzled by the brilliance of new insight and vision where once there had been none. This realization allows you to accept what has been unaccepted. You suspend judgment and negative scales fall from your eyes. Instead, you see what "IS" and this is enough, for now.

Overall, there is plenty of good juju to go around this week for changes on all levels. Spring is in the air. Rebirth, renewal, and LIFE itself are pushing up through the sap as trees get ready to burst into blossom or leaf. It is a heady time of year, and all our unconscious energies are playing right into our mortal hands. Use them well!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Energy Forecast: Week of February 4

On the PHYSICAL level, we can expect a breath of fresh air. The Freedom card offers a whiff of exhilaration for heights ascended and conquered, or depths descended and successfully plumbed. There is freedom when a task is completed; boundaries and restraints removed; old skins shed. Freedom asks you to look at ways in which you have been shackled (or felt that you were). What persona (ego mask) feels too tight and restrictive? What shadow part is loosening up and ready for release. This is the week to try something new, explore a different avenue, rejoice in overcoming some trial that has rewarded you with new skills. If you are reckless in your pursuit of freedom, there is the possibility of becoming irresponsible. If something in your psyche is shaking loose, be aware of the your shadow part. The elusive shadow is best seen as we project it onto others. We see in those around us what are unwilling to see in ourselves. All those nasty habits and personality traits that, thank god, we don't suffer from! When you find yourself being critical of others, ask yourself, Has a shadow aspect unleashed itself? Be thankful for the opportunity to see yourself more clearly and do a little housecleaning. If you are straining under old ways others see you, then allow yourself the freedom to expand, Expand, EXPAND. This week will support you in this endeavor.

MENTALLY, expect Growth in all areas. New ideas have been percolating; give them permission to grow. Old memories and dreams may come through with crystal clear clarity. Situations and people that have been perplexing may now shed light on their inner workings and you will know what is expected, and how to behave to get the results you want. Most of all, you may be granted the gift of understanding with a troubling problem. Especially look to those abandoned projects that are wilted from lack of attention. This is the week to put your mind to getting things done. Mental acuity is working in your favor to give birth to and hatch plans, projects, and ideas.

EMOTIONALLY, you can look forward to having some rewarding down-time this week. Child's Play is all about release from stress and schedules if you take time off to renew your creative juices. Playtime is a sure-fire way to get rid of stress, so make sure you do something fun in the fresh outdoors. If that's not your cup of tea, consider getting together with good friends to recharge your batteries. Laughing is the best medicine. See a comedy show, tell jokes (have you ever thought of a joke party?), and poke fun at yourself. Remember, angels fly because they take themselves lightly. You too can fly this week, or feel like it, when you let go of your burdens even for an afternoon or evening with some good old-fashioned fun.

SPIRITUALLY, the Artist in you is alive and well. Let it out and give it free reign. Artistic expression is our birthright. No excuses, please. We can all be artistic, whether it is home decorating, food preparation, fashion, creative child-rearing, you name it. This is the week to take a good look at your Artist self and see what you can do to nudge it more into the open. It might be shy, or even angry from being overlooked— other people always seem oh so much more creative. Look no further, you are the Artist for whom you seek. Look for classes, projects, or creative ideas that interest you. Your spirit is hungering for self-expression and feeding the soul is important business. Neglecting it will stunt your ability to be a fully expressive human being.

To recap, this week looks promising on all energy fronts. Freedom, Growth, Child's Play, and Artist are working together synergistically to make this a powerful week for self-expression and fun. It's a time to dust off old projects and instill them with new blood. Be open to new ideas, creative input, and increased sharpness of focus. Be well, readers. Go forward and prosper!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

New Year for Angelina

Angelina, you liked the reading I did for Lin, and since you didn't make specific requests, I'm going to follow the same format.

Looking at the PAST, year 2006, the major archetypal influence was the Hedonist. This is a card of celebration, pleasure, and feasting. It is the enjoyment of good food and drink, tasting the good life. Last year brought many important changes for you and your family, and the Hedonist mercifully helped you deal with the stress of those changes. It is only natural when life is upside down and out of our control, to use food and drink as a simple reward system. Unfortunately, the Hedonist can lead to excess. Beer and home-cooked comfort food has wreaked havoc with your good intentions to eat well and lose weight, so it is time to put the Hedonist on hold as you settle into a new life with new healthy routines.

NOW, going into your annual cycle, the Guide archetype is prominent. Consider all the ways in which you hold the lantern for others to see the light, to follow your footsteps because you are trustworthy, knowledgeable, and willing to put yourself out there.

The FUTURE presents you with Warrior energy. The Warrior is willing to meet the Hedonist head-on and do battle with those extra pounds. Through discernment, you can see which habits must go. Through discipline, you apply new behaviors that guarantee change. It is the Warrior that will eat and drink in moderation, take the time to exercise, and find new means of self-gratification. The Warrior is a strong, uncompromising picture of health, vitality, strength, disclipline, and skillful means. You have been a Warrior in the past; all you need to do now to activate this presence is to meditate on how she has worked for you in the past, and visualize her stepping into your flesh and bones right now.

RELATIONSHIP WITH MAX gets the Teacher/Mentor archetype. You are less a playmate now and more Teacher for Max. As a Mentor, you do more than teach. You pass on wisdom and refine Max's character. What kinds of activities would you enjoy teaching Max? Finding new mutually fun educational projects to explore with him will have you looking forward to spending quality time with Max. Forget the cars and legos, and get on board with something new. Your challenge this year is to develop a new relationship with Max where he will see you as his life teacher. Quality time can focus on rocks & minerals, insects, birds, etc. Can you devise science projects around these and other interests?

RELATIONSHIP WITH PHILIP is the Companion archetype. Now who would've guessed? You both continue to be helpmates as partners to yourselves, for Max, and for the business. Loyalty, tenacity, emotional support, and unselfishness are Companion qualities.

MONEY & RESOURCES this year has drawn the Lover card. Naturally, you would LOVE to have more money coming into the business. The Lover energy refers to more than romance. In this case, it is about passion and devotion. You are a Lover of arts and crafts, of edgy home decor, gardening, cooking, and writing. Do what you are passionate about, and the money will follow. Write more, craft more. Keep your passion alive. Money will come.

DUSTPAN ALLEY draws the Fool Child. The store is your new child, and your relationship to it is one of unbridled faith and innocence. Never having done this before, you come into it with enthusiasm and joy. It is a bright, shining opportunity to be creative, to provide unique services, and be in community. The upbeat, bright, lively face of Dustpan Alley invites others to feel these qualities within themselves, to bring them home with them. As a Fool, this child has no awareness of failure, budgets, limitations, or constraints. Yet for the Fool to be protected by the cruelties of life, it needs a protectress to keep it safe. Caution: keep financial realities in focus and a healthy reign on expenditures.

Your role in the COMMUNITY is the Beginner. You are starting out boldly in the commercial community with a new business. You learn from others. You ask questions about their mistakes and successes. You pray for beginner's luck. In Zen Buddhism, Beginner's Mind is worth cultivating—it is the state of a fresh, new outlook; it is objective, and detached. Keep an open mind and absorb like a sponge.

WRITING is a world unto itself. In this world, you are Ruler supreme. You decide what to say, how to say it, and when to stop. You take immense delight in controlling words; moving them around, choosing them, stringing them together. Word play is your gift. A Ruler exercises power on a large, world scale. So too with your writing, you can influence large groups of people, allow them to see the world through your unique eyes.

Your PERSONA for this year, the face you show the world, is the Scientist archetype. In the magical arts, this would be the Transformer, but in the workaday world, the Scientist is engaged in many of the same pursuits, using the same talents for transmuting energies. This year you are examining, exploring, controlling the possibilities of a great experiment: Dustpan Alley. You apply all your skills to making this venture a success; that is, changing an empty store into a magical world of your creative imagination. In it, you fashion a queendom of practical fun, elevating the home arts into a manageable realm that other homebodies want for themselves. Martha Stewart you are not, thank god.

Your SHADOW is the Servant. You make yourself available to others for the benefit and enhancement of their lives. This can be done in a healthy way as long as you continue to serve your highest needs at the same time. Be careful; don't be consumed by the needs of others so that you lose the value of your own life. Ask yourself often, does this choice serve my highest potential?

Your greatest CHALLENGE this year is represented by the Knight archetype. The challenge involves maintaining loyalty and self-sacrifice toward an honorable cause. This might refer to Dustpan Alley or your writing. Similar to the Servant and Warrior, the Knight is a champion of service and devotion. All these archetypes are available and present for you this year as you battle the dark forces and demon of Negative Thought. Slay them with your cognitive therapy tools; journal and meet them on your terms; listen to what they say and throw away what you don't need; and most of all, keep coming back.