On the PHYSICAL level, we can expect a breath of fresh air. The
Freedom card offers a whiff of exhilaration for heights ascended and conquered, or depths descended and successfully plumbed. There is freedom when a task is completed; boundaries and restraints removed; old skins shed.
Freedom asks you to look at ways in which you have been shackled (or felt that you were). What persona (ego mask) feels too tight and restrictive? What shadow part is loosening up and ready for release. This is the week to try something new, explore a different avenue, rejoice in overcoming some trial that has rewarded you with new skills. If you are reckless in your pursuit of freedom, there is the possibility of becoming irresponsible. If something in your psyche is shaking loose, be aware of the your shadow part. The elusive shadow is best seen as we project it onto others. We see in those around us what are unwilling to see in ourselves. All those nasty habits and personality traits that, thank god, we don't suffer from! When you find yourself being critical of others, ask yourself,
Has a shadow aspect unleashed itself? Be thankful for the opportunity to see yourself more clearly and do a little housecleaning. If you are straining under old ways others see you, then allow yourself the freedom to expand, Expand, EXPAND. This week will support you in this endeavor.

MENTALLY, expect
Growth in all areas. New ideas have been percolating; give them permission to grow. Old memories and dreams may come through with crystal clear clarity. Situations and people that have been perplexing may now shed light on their inner workings and you will know what is expected, and how to behave to get the results you want. Most of all, you may be granted the gift of understanding with a troubling problem. Especially look to those abandoned projects that are wilted from lack of attention. This is the week to put your mind to getting things done. Mental acuity is working in your favor to give birth to and hatch plans, projects, and ideas.

EMOTIONALLY, you can look forward to having some rewarding down-time this week.
Child's Play is all about release from stress and schedules if you take time off to renew your creative juices. Playtime is a sure-fire way to get rid of stress, so make sure you do something fun in the fresh outdoors. If that's not your cup of tea, consider getting together with good friends to recharge your batteries. Laughing is the best medicine. See a comedy show, tell jokes (have you ever thought of a joke party?), and poke fun at yourself. Remember, angels fly because they take themselves lightly. You too can fly this week, or feel like it, when you let go of your burdens even for an afternoon or evening with some good old-fashioned fun.

Artist in you is alive and well. Let it out and give it free reign. Artistic expression is our birthright. No excuses, please. We can all be artistic, whether it is home decorating, food preparation, fashion, creative child-rearing, you name it. This is the week to take a good look at your
Artist self and see what you can do to nudge it more into the open. It might be shy, or even angry from being overlooked— other people always seem oh so much more creative. Look no further, you are the
Artist for whom you seek. Look for classes, projects, or creative ideas that interest you. Your spirit is hungering for self-expression and feeding the soul is important business. Neglecting it will stunt your ability to be a fully expressive human being.
To recap, this week looks promising on all energy fronts.
Freedom, Growth, Child's Play, and
Artist are working together synergistically to make this a powerful week for self-expression and fun. It's a time to dust off old projects and instill them with new blood. Be open to new ideas, creative input, and increased sharpness of focus. Be well, readers. Go forward and prosper!
1 comment:
I keep checking for an new weekly reading and there isn't one. Your fans are waiting.
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