Welcome to another week of soulmapping. I am curious if anyone is checking in to the blog, and if so, how do the forecasts work for you? Your comments are welcome. If interested, just click on "comment" at the end of this entry. On the next screen, you will see a comment box on the right. Type in your comment, then at the bottom, if you don't have a google account, click on "anonymous", and hopefully you will leave your name with your comment. Those with google accounts can type in the name of the account. I'm new to blogging and find blog world to be, well, a little bloggy (confusing).
On the PHYSICAL level, the card for WORLDLY DOMINION appears. It symbolizes the person who is on top of his/her game in the material world. This card might herald a weekly stint of ambitions, aspirations, and visions that finally blossom into physical reality. The result might appear a little like empire building or pioneering. You are a mover and shaker, initiating and doing. You possess the physical stamina and strength to achieve your goals and the leadership skills to pull them off. Watch out for ego storms and gales of competitiveness in your striving for riches, fame, or progress. You can make your mark on the world without mowing others down in the process.

On the MENTAL level, the card we have drawn is PRESERVATION. The queen symbolizes the law of preservation because it is the feminine principle in all people that watches over and protects the children, the land, and heritage. This week it is our responsibility to maintain and safe-guard the kernels of life that we have carefully been brooding in the nest. This is a mother-earth energy that has the ability to create, resurrect, and recreate life. Look around your life and see what needs mothering. This week your special powers as a nurturer, provider, and giver of life are called on. Your unconditional love, compassion, and healing strengths will champion an aspect of yourself, family, creative projects. Since this refers specifically to the mental level, especially pay attention to ideas and goals that might need an extra boost of Mom energy to get them to the next level of growth. But remember, be gentle with seedlings. Pulling on them to force premature growth will only uproot their delicate natures.

EMOTIONALLY, we can expect a BREAKTHROUGH. Well, I for one, look forward to this prospect. Maybe the breakthrough will happen physically, mentally, and spiritually as well. Whatever way it manifests, it will relieve the building pressure you've been feeling for some time. "Better out than in" I've been told, and there's wisdom in that saying. What does the image say to YOU? A volcano erupts with spewing hot lava; fire pushes through earth with incredible force, moving obstructions out of the way of its creative wake. Fire is creative and impulsive, while earth is stable, solid, unmoveable by itself. Some creative impetus is moving upward, has been for some time, but now it will unleash great power and strength so that what has been stalled before will now open up and move. The pressure is off, and the energy is released. You feel relief, and then an upsurge of new, creative energy moves within your psyche, filling you with inspiration, strength, and motivation to get things done. Enjoy!

SPIRITUALLY, the forecast calls for increased CLARITY. Like a diamond, your mind twinkles with many facets. You see into situations and people with unprecedented focus; you see what you haven't been able to see before. A situation or person who might have been annoying before, now you find at least tolerable. Your previous negative judgments are put in abeyance as you realize there is more than had met the eye before. You see more deeply, more clearly, and are amazed and dazzled by the brilliance of new insight and vision where once there had been none. This realization allows you to accept what has been unaccepted. You suspend judgment and negative scales fall from your eyes. Instead, you see what "IS" and this is enough, for now.
Overall, there is plenty of good juju to go around this week for changes on all levels. Spring is in the air. Rebirth, renewal, and LIFE itself are pushing up through the sap as trees get ready to burst into blossom or leaf. It is a heady time of year, and all our unconscious energies are playing right into our mortal hands. Use them well!
That seems like an especially positive and exciting forcast. So basically I just need to keep the ol' ego in check and lots of moving forward will happen.
It will be interesting to see how the week plays itself out. Truth be told, I think that what your saying is already unfolding for me. For the past couple of days I've been feeling ideas and inspiration exploding. Also been feeling that things are coming together.
I just today found your blog, but I will be adding it to my RSS reader and checking in regularly. I like your ideas.
My week so far is bringing me low energy and discontent. This comes despite the fact that I am intending that my sleep brings me cleansing and rejuvenation. I'm still waiting on that breakthrough!
Hi jenni,
Breakthroughs come in small and large forms, so I'm glad you haven't given up. Thanks for checking in with my blog, and I hope you will continue to follow it. I enjoy the feedback, so don't be shy. You can also ask a more specific personal question, if you like.
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