This card refers to the Law of Karma, of seeing causes and effects through objective self-evaluation. So often we plow through life trying to do our best to get through the day, seldom giving much thought to what we are really about, until some upsetting event forces us to take a deeper look. This card is calling for an awareness of what soulmapping has to offer, and how I, as its creator, can best put it in easily explainable terms to people I don't have the advantage of talking with directly.
The very nature of soulmapping is an opportunity for Awakening. Like a bolt of lightening, awareness can hit us in a flash, even though it may have been percolating under the surface for a long time. The cards have been developing for some time now, and they are about to reincarnate on the internet, which is very exciting. A creative insight from years ago is striking earth, to find its fortune there. Who knows what its fate will be? Only time will tell. But for now, this is its beginning. Through soulmapping, inner vision can be activated so you see causes and effects of thoughts and actions. You can see how the past has created the present, and what the present may create in the future. After all, we are all headed in the direction our feet are pointed. With new vision, you can make better choices, play out a scenario before it happens, and perhaps plant those feet in a different direction.
Awakening offers vision, flash insight, new directions and possibilities. But there is a caution too. The creative juice of lightening must be harnessed for it to do any good. All that electricity, and no lamps to light! For any idea to carry its weight in gold, it must be utilized and nurtured along. Unless it is harnessed into constructive directions, the vision of soulmapping will fail to earth its own genius.
So, soulmapping is in its infancy and may evolve over time. It is an idea, and if it is useful to readers then perhaps it will grow into a maturity that I as its creator cannot quite imagine at this point. Awakening is the beginning of its journey and I invite you all to come along for a ride. Ask questions. Explore what it has to offer. Your comments are welcome. If anyone is reading this blog now, I ask you to look at what Awakening may be telling you. What is Awakening in YOU?
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